Have I Got A Blog For You

Have I Got A Blog For You

Have I Got a Blog for You

OK, what I am doing is pitching my blog to you. It is (essentially) brand new. So new, in fact, that there is not a single comment on any post…not one. You know what that means, right? It means that:

1) The blog is intellectually stimulating and challenging; users are carefully considering their comments before responding.
2) The content is so controversial and inflammatory that everyone immediately clicks off the blog and deletes their browser history after reading the first headline.
3) Like a new patisserie in a nook of the city, the content is utterly fresh and waiting to be discovered.

Blog Fog

I know, there are countless blogs. Millions of them tell you how to make your life better. The reason that I have a blog is because as an artist who sells her work online, I am supposed to have a blog. That’s the way it works these days. And if I am going to do it I want it to be, well…GOOD!  You know…No Fluff, No Bluff, All Stuff; a place where you can see things, and read bits that are interesting, informative, and humorous. Maybe it can make your life better. Who knows?

Registration Was Never So Much Fun!

I don’t want to put up a blog that just talks about me and my art. I would like it to be multifaceted with lots of interaction with you; maybe even people who aren’t you. To this end I would really appreciate it if you would write to your congressman or congresswoman and ask them to register as a user on "Nara's Blog". If you are reluctant to bring politicians into this, I understand. But maybe you would like to register, yourself. Personally, It’s really easy. All you have to do is go here http://narapilgrimwood.com/blog/register, enter the registration info, and you can have your say. You can comment on any post or ask questions of me or of the throngs that will be joining us very soon.

Rising Sun Series

I have completed another painting for this series; another pair of red-crowned cranes. This time they are in a mating dance. To see Wetlands Romance click HERE.

Bonus! or Bribe (depending on your point of view)

OK, if I haven’t convinced you to register on Nara’s Blog yet I have an incentive. The first person who makes a comment on my blog of eighteen words or more will receive, via priority mail, 1 dozen gluten-free oatmeal raisin cookies. Or, if you prefer gluten cookies (and aren’t afraid to admit it) I will make them with wheat flour. CAVEAT: If the first commenter is located in Tierra del Fuego or the International Space Station…we’ll work something out.

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